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⚐ Report//sahu is about to erase his board about pigeonhole sort Rakshay: can i take a picture? Sahu: *in creaky high pitched voice* ughhhhh why don't you take notes instead Rakshay: i did Sahu: ok good
⚐ Report//kids are sitting on desks Sahu: i don't know what's going on there but you guys need to sit on desks Sahu: freudian slip
⚐ ReportDoris: Mr. Sahu do you have a wife/girlfriend? Sahu: did you just assume my ORIENTATION! Doris: nononononon. ok do you have a partner? Sahu: ... Sahu: no. no i don't...
⚐ Report//talking about sahu quotes getting downvoted Anon: it was probably sahu Anon: on incognito
⚐ Reportsahu: types *illegal* into the chatbot sahu: ... sahu: julie has left the chat
⚐ Reportsahu: so avika gets her chipotle sahu: with lots of sauce sahu: it's a wet boy sahu: so avika picks up her wet boy
⚐ ReportSahu: Once and a friend and I snuck out of school to go to Starbucks Sahu: but I've never done that before because I was a good boy.
⚐ ReportSahu: If you’re late to other classes, you show up as yellow Sahu: Anuva, you’re always yellow
⚐ ReportSahu: maybe like tomorrow a law gets passed where everyone can be a doctor and now your degree is useless Sahu: and nobody will pay you 500 dollars an hour to punch them in the face Sahu: i forget what I was talking about