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Feb. 9, 2024, 3:53 p.m.

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Hinkle: I know that you all live in Montgomery County, so you think agriculture doesn't exist.



Nov. 27, 2023, 1:31 p.m.

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Sahu: let's talk about the govern- ima stop myself there. Sahu: let's say i publish a book that says grapes cause blindness Sahu: only white.. i mean green grapes cause blindness. purple grapes prevent blindness Sahu: i can say it's true, i'm a doctor. Sahu M.D. Sahu: little do they know, i own a purple grape farm, and my competitive neighbor owns a green grape farm Yongle: he's a part of big grape!



Nov. 17, 2022, 12:37 a.m.

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Schwartz: We had problems [in single-variable optimisation] in which we built fences for animals we could farm. Schwartz: What is an animal we can farm? Student: Pigs Schwartz: All of my classes first thought of pigs. That's boring. Schwartz: We could have chosen chinchillas, but I guess I'm a pig farmer. Schwartz: I could have farmed velociraptors.



March 7, 2022, 4:16 p.m.

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//teaching vocabulary about animals Subayi: Someday all of you are gonna be rich -- like [Student] -- and you're gonna own a farm. Subayi: So you need to know what's on it.



Oct. 27, 2011, 8:28 p.m.

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Student: I want to be a rice farmer for Halloween this year. Mr. Pham: Good for you, following your heritage. Student: ...OK, so Mr. Pham what should I wear? Mr. Pham: All you have to do is to take of your glasses.