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⚐ ReportRose: So this test was about real-life modeling, which is what high school is all about, and it was also about party planning, which is also what high school is about.
⚐ Report// Checking homework in Functions Rose: I was going to make you guys finish this, but then I felt bad, because I gave you a lot of homework. Am I going soft or something? Class: No, its OK!
⚐ Report//5th period lunch Daniel Zhu: A moment of silence for those taking the functions test right now. (closes eyes)
⚐ ReportRose: So let's say that we have a domain with five people, girls, and a codomain of three people, guys. So this is all on an island... Laura: This is obviously not functions class. Rose: Ok, let's say that it's CAP.
⚐ Report//2012-2013 Functions Rose: "Did you know, 90%, of people will say that their favorite letter is the first letter of their first name. Victoria, what's your favorite letter?" Victoria: "T!" Rose: "Well, that's because of your last name. Jeremy, what's your favorite letter?" Jeremy: "...not J." Rose: "Ok...Ramya, what's your favorite letter?" Ramya: "I don't have one..." Rose: "Kathleen, what your favorite letter?!" Kathleen: "Pi!" Rose: "...You guys have failed me."
⚐ Report// Functions, the day after spring break, discussing the homework Rose: You guys probably all did this yesterday, so it should be fresh in your minds.
⚐ Report//Doing a counting problem in Functions Rose: So we need like, seven classes, A B C D E F G. A for Analysis, B for Biology, C for Chemistry, D for... Dutch, E for... Entomology, F for Functions, and G for... for... Giraffes.
⚐ Report//The day after spring break, when Rose had returned from San Francisco and announced that he was going to work at Google Rose: *frustrated with tedious algebra* This is like.. ugh... Noah: It's okay Mr. Rose. Think of your new job at Google! Rose: That's right, gotta think about the free food... Noah: And girls! Girls work at Google! Rose: Yeah, like, five... Glad that you're watching out for my dating opportunities Komo. Komo: What? Noah said that! Rose: There's a constant stream of sass always coming from this table, so your names are basically interchangeable.
⚐ Report//Functions, first period. Descartes Law of Signs and Upper Bound of Roots Theorem. Rose has just used synthetic division with 5 on a polynomial and ended up with a nonzero remainder. Rose: Oh no! 5 is not a real root! But, class, you see, dividing by a number that is not a root is a lot like a break-up: You could just rush on blindly looking for the next opportunity, or you could slow down and consider the implications, and why everything went wrong... So what does anyone notice about the remainder? Noah Kim: Wait, Mr. Rose, is this related to your personal experience? //a little bit later, talking about graphs of polynomials in relation to roots Rose: But we know what graphs of polynomials look like! They're so continuous and smooth and predictable.... Noah Kim: Mr. Rose, you are still talking about math, right?
⚐ ReportMr. Rose: Oh yeah Yash! Show that grin! Show that grin from under that thick Indian mustache!