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⚐ ReportRyan: You look like my brain-cells going cannibalistic because they're running out of sleep.
⚐ Report//continuation of 11918 Kirk: You've never been sunburnt!? Sahu: I don't think I spent enough time outside [for that to happen].
⚐ ReportKirk: You know the feeling you get when you get sunburned? Sahu: I think I'm too dark to get sunburned Kirk: I get sunburned very easily Ethan: I wonder why
⚐ ReportSahu: APs are bull...stuff! Sahu: Collegeboard can go suck...air! Sahu: This is how you know I'm tired. I get dangerously close to saying offensive stuff.
⚐ Report//Explaining peeking with Stacks in Java Sahu: We're just window shopping here, guys. I see that beautiful wedding dress in the window, but I'm not ready to commit to all that! I don't have that type of... monetary resources Sahu: Or a significant other Sahu: I'm just looking, I'm just looking!
⚐ Report// ADSA Period 8: Sahu: If I were to drone strike your house, it wouldn't matter if I had your address physically, or on the notes app on my phone, or written on my forehead.