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⚐ ReportStein: So, Matt and David, you can share the 10,000 bonus point with whoever did the problem with you. But you can't give them to someone else. Bernstein: I'm not going to share. Stein: Right, I forgot, Matt doesn't share. Mythili: Because he's a Jew, right?
⚐ ReportNeel: I should really do my physlets. Mythili: You didn't do yours? Shames. Tsk-tsk. Neel: Yeah. Mythili: Actualy, I don't know why I'm saying that since I didn't do mine either.
⚐ ReportRose: Wait, stop being smart. First...*breathe* what does a shell look like? Mythili: Like a roll of toilet paper! Rose: Mythili, head always in the gutter. -Later- // Rose looks uup pictures of shells on a website. Rose [reading from website]: IF you think about, visually, a shell is like a...roll of toilet paper. Mythili: Booyah! Whose head is in the gutter now!
⚐ ReportRose: No one's going to want to marry you if you don't know Calculus. Mythili: You're not married, are you... Rose: My girlfriend and I...we'll get married very soon. Mythili: Keep telling yourself that.
⚐ ReportAlex: Binx died. Mythili: What, no way! When? What's going to happen? Alex: They're making a new one and calling it OMARAHSAN!
⚐ ReportBalla: I know you guys are either math-geniuses or humanitarianistic...s...but I was really both. A magnet and a CAP, a...Magcap. Class: LOL Balla: Magcap sounds weird, doesn't it? Magcap...Capnet... Mythili: You were a MAP!