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⚐ ReportJerry Song: Bro, if Princeton(scioly) was on the same day as regs(scibowl), then I'd dip scioly faster than my dad left for milk.
⚐ Report// Scioly Jerry Song: Mrs. O'Donovan, do you have any chains? O'Donovan(sarcastically): Of course I do, I use them for restraining misbehaving children. O'Donovan: I can't believe I'm still able to fool you like this. Why would I have chains lying around?
⚐ Report// Discussing scioly logistics O'Donovan: So you can choose who you want to sleep with. O'Donovan: I mean, you can choose who you want to share a room with.
⚐ ReportCaleb: What biology textbook can you get for $20? Jerry Song: Hungerford biology. Caleb: What's Hungerford...? Jerry Song: Hunger for Deez Nuts!
⚐ ReportLinda: Water is free but you need to pay $1. Linda: This is gaslighting. Jerry Song: Beer for the price of two beers, buy one get the other free!
⚐ ReportAndy: Do you read the sundial clockwise or counterclockwise? Alena: I would assume it's read clockwise because its a clock.
⚐ ReportDhruv: I don't even wear my mask during carpool Sam: Yeah, cuz you're always french kissing! ... Sam: Maybe I should join your carpool.