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⚐ ReportJerry Song: World? What's that? Jerry: I wouldn't touch it if it was the last thing in the world! *Jerry proceeds to break down afterwards*
⚐ Report// Adding a new paragraph in ExploraVision Jerry Song: Ok, so I'll start it here, is that ok? Sean: Yeah, sounds good. Jerry: *Indents, types "(INSERT THING HERE)" * Jerry: Ok,! *Opens new tab and types in*
⚐ ReportSean: Why does my life suck so much? Andy: Only if you use a straw. Jerry Song: Life is a beverage. You just got slurped!
⚐ ReportAndy: When in doubt, use misnomers to confuse people. Jerry Song: Red delicious apples.
⚐ ReportAndy, watching Jerry play chess like a hawk: Jerry, why'd you do that? Jerry: Oh, true Andy: Every time I watch you play, you just fail Andy: Oh man, I'm so sorry, I'm just going to keep watching you from now on.
⚐ ReportCaleb: What biology textbook can you get for $20? Jerry Song: Hungerford biology. Caleb: What's Hungerford...? Jerry Song: Hunger for Deez Nuts!
⚐ Report*Jerry Song and Andy and both sniffling* Sean: Both of you are sniffing aggressively. Jerry: Gotta get all of the good stuff.
⚐ Report//Students discussing Lagrange multiplier problems. Jerry Song: Problem #7 on the homework is actually pretty trivial. Jerry: Wait, did I even bring my homework today?