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⚐ ReportAnderson: *walks towards the back of the room* Jerry Song: *switches off of, starts furiously typing gibberish*
⚐ Report// Adding a new paragraph in ExploraVision Jerry Song: Ok, so I'll start it here, is that ok? Sean: Yeah, sounds good. Jerry: *Indents, types "(INSERT THING HERE)" * Jerry: Ok,! *Opens new tab and types in*
⚐ Report//Ramu and Isaac in PE Isaac: Hey Raphael, do you play a sport? Ramu: Yeah, I do. Isaac: By the way, Chess doesn't count as a sport. Ramu: Oh.. Then I don't play a sport.
⚐ Report//On gchat Patrick Shan: Trust me Raanan, I have this all planned out, like a chess master, only I actually suck at chess.
⚐ Report//David Cao and Alex Contreras are playing chess at lunch. Alex is clearly winning. ~15 people, including Ostrander, are watching David: Why are you taking so long to move? You've practically won already! Ostrander: Maybe he's trying to avoid doing something stupid, like you probably did earlier.