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June 1, 2024, 7:02 p.m.

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Leo: Your facts may be facts, but my opinions are opinions.

Rhythm Gaming Club - Dance Dance Maniacs

leo, fax



April 30, 2024, 11:40 a.m.

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Leo: Ooh, fingers! Jason Yao: Oh, fuck you! (proceeds to throw an orange wrapped in tin foil at Eric Shi)



April 24, 2024, 11:49 a.m.

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Jason Yao: Yes, I am ALL the sex cells. Eric Shi: All of them? Jason: ALL of the sex cells. Jason: I am sex cell. Leo: But like unironically Jason's fingers are really fun to grab though. Leo: They're like not too thick, but they're not bony either Leo: They have the right amount of meat to them. Ziyad: Yo what the fu- Ziyad: Okay what about Eric's hand. Leo: Too wet, it's uncomfortable. Leo: Like, he's perpetually sweaty. Ziyad: OHHHH I thought you were talking about something different. Leo: ??? Jason: ??? Eric: ??? Ziyad: Y'know, like Eric and the blue angry bird. ZIyad: He sticks it in the mouth of the bird. Ziyad: Cuz like, he can choose where to put his hand. Ziyad: That's a fact, you have to accept that. Eric: ...what? Ziyad: Look, Eric agrees with me!



April 24, 2024, 11:32 a.m.

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Leo: Women's rights are always the least important thing.

nsl quiz regarding importance of topics in the constitutional convention




April 23, 2024, 7:52 a.m.

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Leo Jin: Have you never seen Joe Biden throw it back?



April 17, 2024, 4:56 p.m.

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Leo: Look at Jason’s thing! Leo: there’s hairs up there



April 15, 2024, 12:30 p.m.

⚐ Report
Leo: Jason, can I put your sex cell quote on Blairbash Jason Yao: No Leo: Why not? Peter: say gex Ziyad: but flareon is better Ziyad: I tried it trust Eric Shi: *shows an image of a certain dictator wearing sunglasses* Gugan: no way ziyad's favorite munting buddy!!!! Jeffery: If you say "guillotine" (with hard L) you're gonna be killed by the french teacher Leo: With a guillotine? (pronounced with hard L) Jerry Lu: (enters with math packet for Wallops) Will Roe: Yo can I see Schwartz: NO! He has sworn to secrecy! Jerry: I want to be guillotined! (still pronounced with hard L) Eric Shi: Oh oh oh no (running away) Eric Shi: Guys I think a bee entered the room Jerry: Point and laugh at the bee! Will Roe: (points and laughs) Eric Shi: I'm not doing that (hides in corner) Jerry: Oh wait that actually looks more like a wasp than a bee. I don't want that smoke Eric: (runs out of room)



April 9, 2024, 10:01 a.m.

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//FOT: someone made their pinhole camera bee shaped Leo: It's a bee! William Roe: That's the grade they're gonna get!



March 22, 2024, 8:15 a.m.

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//Ziyad wondering what munting means //Gugan reading about munting Gugan: Ziyad, wanna go munting with me? Ziyad: yeah! wwait NO! Leo: *dies* Justin: Dont ever speak again gugan



Nov. 29, 2023, 12:01 p.m.

⚐ Report
Leo: Eric, are you sweating protobowl? Eric Shi: (shakes head vigorously). Leo: ...ok. //later Eric: (punches his chromebook screen) Leo: Are you sure you're not sweating protobowl? Eric: (shakes head vigorously)