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⚐ ReportAkshay: Mr. Pham, do you know where you put the lab notebooks from last year? Pham: I don't know. Akshay: But that had like 200 pages worth of labs in it! Pham: I know.
⚐ Report//After finishing the shoe project in Materials Science, students have gone outside to test the durability of their shoes by playing kickball Kaluta: Okay, Jacob Kirkendall, you can be the 5th period team's captain. Michael Katz: Oh my god, we have a Captain Kirk.
⚐ ReportStreet: Be sure to clean up the counter when you leave! I am NOT your mother! Thank goodness I'm not. You would all be some ugly babies if I were.
⚐ Report//during mat sci, sub walks into lab and sees Chris R playing a tower defense game Sub: You trying to hunt down terrorists? You trying to kill Osama? He always in a cave. Chris: Actually, I guess he's attacking me... Sub: Take him down!
⚐ ReportMr. Bayz [sub]: I'm going to give you an oral exam. This oral exam will be unlike anything you've ever taken before!