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⚐ ReportDelaney: the doctor said “you’re doing it wrong” and I was like “pretty sure I’m not”
⚐ ReportKlein: If you think about it anatomically, it's pretty hard to get pregnant if the woman is behind you. Unless you're a really special person.
⚐ ReportRose: So today we're going to be learning about something I don't understand at all. Evan Kahn: Sex?
⚐ Report//Some teacher passes a group of Magnets in the hall Teacher: I get really nervous when I hear magnets talking about sex...
⚐ ReportRose: So say John doesn't know whether iguanas have sex standing up or lying down.
⚐ Report//In Pundzak's class, discussing instances of being judged based on appearances. Jacob: I'm often objectified by women because of my sex appeal. I always have to be like; "Ladies! My eyes are up here!"
⚐ ReportTeacher: You want me to tell you a story? I'll tell you a story. A sex story? [Does creepy tongue-waving grin]
⚐ Report//students are discussing dance Student 1 (male): [splits are weird and make me uncomfortable] Student 2 (female): Shut up. No guy should be complaining about a girl's ability to open her legs.
⚐ ReportRose: (muttering some mathematical gibberish) Janvi: SECKS!!! //class laughs, Rose continues talking, 2 min later looks at Janvi Rose: Wait. What'd you say?