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⚐ ReportKaluta: I’m gonna take roll. Kaluta: all of the Michaels! Michael Chen and Michael Wang: Here. Kaluta: All of the Ste(ph/v)ens! Stephen Chen and Steven Wang: Here.
⚐ Report// Playing cards against humanity Stephen Chen: It's either Karl Marx or the panda. Stephen: Wait they're the same thing.
⚐ Report//Stephen teaching us Linux Stephen: So let's say you want to rename urself into urmom. Stephen: You can't just rename urself, right? Stephen: So what you have to do is move urself into urmom.
⚐ ReportStephen Chen: Alright I’m off to go do some stuff. Stephen: And by stuff I mean your mom.
⚐ ReportStephen: Clouds are just white liquid. Luke: You wanna know what else is a white liquid? Stephen: Milk.
⚐ ReportRoberts: I don’t know why John Kim has been giving beans to everyone. Stephen Chen: I guess he’s bean doing it recently.
⚐ Report//Jacen presents an excerpt of his L'Hôpital project story Schwartz: Any questions? Stephen: Why? Jacen: Amogus.