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Nov. 19, 2014, 7:08 p.m.

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//During MathPhys Study Hall Vijay: Hey Mr. Schafer, I have Leibniz cookies. //Shows cookies with "Leibniz" written on it Schafer: That's pretty good. I only eat fig newtons though.



Nov. 6, 2014, 4:43 p.m.

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Schafer: Things fall because they aren't heavy enough!

Discussing statics in mathphys




Oct. 5, 2014, 1:47 p.m.

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Schafer: Then, we'll give up all hope and do math.



Sept. 26, 2014, 11:11 p.m.

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//During MathPhys Study Hall //Schafer is asking about MagPi Schafer: What would you call MagPi? A club, a group, an organization...? Sachin: A bird.



May 30, 2014, 12:14 p.m.

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Schafer: *Discussing history of fundamental elements* Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Francis: And then there's The Fifth Element, starring Bruce Willis. Schafer: And then the Sixth Sense, also starring Bruce Willis. *Dicussion among half the class about a seventh movie* Schafer: What do you got for eight? Francis: Uh.......Surrog-eight, starring Bruce Willis.



April 4, 2014, 2:55 p.m.

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//Pd. 7 Schafer quantum. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle was covered during the previous class. //Mike leaves the room right before pd. 7 starts to look for his backpack. Schafer doesn't realize this. //1 minute into class: Schafer: Wait, where's Mike? Eric: He went to look for his backpack. //Mike comes back without a backpack. Schafer: Where'd you go? Mike: I went to look for my backpack and I still don't know where it is. Naeem: Wait, isn't it right there? [Points to backpack.] Mike: Oh yeah, thanks. Student: That's like Brownian motion. Schafer: How is it like Brownian motion? Mike: Wait, no. It's like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. I knew _exactly_ what its momentum was, so I didn't know where it was. Schafer: Yeah, true. He knew _exactly_ how fast it was going, so he couldn't have had any idea where it was. //A few minutes later, Schafer calls on Mike to explain something. The tables in the classroom are unusually arranged, so Mike can't get to the front of the room. Schafer: Yep, I set up these tables like that _just_ so you couldn't get to the front of the room. //Mike succeeds in getting to the front of the room. Mike: Oh yeah? Well I just thwarted your plans! //Schafer throws Mike a marker, but throws it badly intentionally, that way Mike can't catch it. Mike doesn't come close to catching it. Schafer: Ha! What now‽ Mike: To be fair, I knew exactly how fast the marker was travelling.



March 17, 2014, 9:14 p.m.

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//Hammond keeps commenting on how Schafer is teaching. Schafer: You're ruining this class! //Schafer returns to covering the photoelectric effect. Nino: Can I go to the bathroom? Schafer: _Can_ you go to the bathroom? I certainly hope so. Paul: May we get to that homework question? Schafer: Can I get through these notes first? Paul: I don't know; can you? //Class "ooh"s. Schafer: Well, actually, that's a fair question. Hammond: You know, I think you're doing a fine job of ruining this class yourself. You don't need me. Schafer: I have two words for you. Let's see if you can guess them. Hammond: "Thank you." Schafer: The two words are "salmon pickles," just so you know. Hammond: "Salmon pickles?" Schafer: Well, duh. What did you think they were? Hammond: I thought they were, "thank you." Schafer: Oh. I thought you were thanking me. Well, in any case, you're right about the second word. And the last letter of the first word. //Class "ooh"s.



March 12, 2014, 9:39 p.m.

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// In Quantum, discussing blackbody radiation Raanan: So a peak in the blue range is for colder objects? Schafer: No, blue means hot! Blue is always hot! Blue is hot, hot, hot! // Class stares at Blue Blue: Uhhhh. Schafer: That's gonna be awkward.



Feb. 25, 2014, 9:22 p.m.

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Aanchal: I'm putting my cursor on top of Mr. Schafer's so that he notices me!



Dec. 2, 2013, 8:26 p.m.

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//Discussing topics for the Math Phys papers Schafer: Avikar? Avikar: I'm doing Noether's Theorem. Schafer: Oh, you mean 'Nother's' Theorem? Avikar: No, it's pronounced 'NUER-ter'. I looked it up. Schafer: This is Murica. It's 'Nother'. Avikar: All right... Schafer: So what's the right way to pronounce it? Avikar: 'Nother'.. Schafer: WRONG!