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⚐ Report// Discussing blairbash Student 1: I bet blairbash submissions aren't actually real. // Student 2 jumps out of window, does a backflip, and lands on Ms. Johnson's car.
⚐ ReportIsak: I say a stupid thing, and it’s forever preserved on this godforsaken website
⚐ ReportAlexei: It's literally 1984. I say a stupid thing and it's forever preserved on Blairbash.
⚐ ReportAndy: I'm Blairhash -- a Blairbash hash function. I can think of the Blairbash quote that goes with any situation.
⚐ ReportSchwartz: You can literally see Blairbash get populated by watching Andy type. Duval: You can see when he's doing it, too, because you can see the little twinkle in his eyes! Andy (to me): Blairbash that, do it.
⚐ ReportAndy: How is a stick of gum like a gun? Jerry Song: They both get people into sticky situations. *Andy opens Blairbash* Jerry: No. Nooooooooooooo! // Later Jerry: I've gone through all 5 stages of grief in one Blairbash quote. Jerry: Noooo! I should have waited until you were done typing.
⚐ Report// Schwartz talking about AP enviromental science Schwartz: Everything we do is destroying the environment, let's go back and live in caves.