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Feb. 10, 2011, 6:03 p.m.

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Pham: I no tell you "you're great!", mom and dad tell you "you're great!" Whose parents tell them that? //Class replies with no's and yes's Pham: I take that back, some Asian parent like that.



Feb. 10, 2011, 8:50 a.m.

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(pretending to be a college) Teacher: I'll admit 1000 caucasians, five blacks, and...two...hispanics. Student: What about Asians? Teacher: Oh yes, Asians. I'll admit 2000 Asians.



Oct. 6, 2010, 6:46 p.m.

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Student: If you don't get a 5 [on the AP], you're a shame to your family. Pham: Do not talk like Asian! Student: What? Pham: Asian talk like that! Shame to family and thing like that.



Sept. 15, 2010, 7:11 p.m.

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Pham: If you are Asian, Asian people eat a lot of rice. Do you know that, right? I used to eating it twice a day, just big bowl of it. [...]



Sept. 7, 2010, 9:20 p.m.

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//Regarding Ms. Nawabi and Afghani culture Pham: Every weekend her husband family kind of show up at her house and sit around waiting for food. Asian, they do that too. At least Vietnamese do.



Sept. 2, 2010, 9:32 p.m.

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//When he visited Anal Chem, Peter Q. explained that he was accepted to Caltech but his parents are making him go to U Penn because it's closer Pham: Asian parent not want kid go college join gangster or thing like that.



Aug. 31, 2010, 9:07 p.m.

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Pham: When you go college it used to be TA bunch of Asian speak funny English, now I go back it also bunch of Russian speak funny English too. And Indian.



March 20, 2010, 9:02 p.m.

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(during lunch) Student 1: Mr. Rose, could you open this for me? The lid won't come off. *Mr. Rose puts papers down and struggles to open it* Mr. Rose: I don't want to break the plastic off... Student 2: Come on Mr. Rose, use your muscles! *Mr.Rose still tries to open it without success* Mr. Rose: I'm not letting this thing get between me and Asian food!



Jan. 28, 2010, 5:25 p.m.

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Student A: What's garlic salt, Mr. Pham? Pham: Garlic salt, is garlic salt!? You don't know garlic salt? The stuff you put in pizza? You know garlic salt? Student A: No... Student B: Isn't that garlic powder? Pham: No, garlic powder is garlic powder not garlic salt! Garlic salt is the thing you put in pizza! You guys no go to Italian place!? Oh never mind, you Asian. You don't go to no Italian place, all you eat is rice and noodle!



Dec. 5, 2009, 2:40 p.m.

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Lauren: Ms. Gross, does your sister look like you? Gross: Nah, not really; we used to tell her she was adopted! Lauren: Wait, is she blond? Gross: No, she isn't. Lauren: Is she Asian? Black? Gross: Yes, Lauren, she's a blond Asian!

In AP English of Ms. Gross (who is Jewish, not Asian or Black)

asian, gross