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⚐ ReportKyei: it's teacher appreciation week, and they gave us Almond Joy. Kyei: I'm allergic to almonds.
⚐ Report// Kyei is out, Contreras is subbing. About to play infoflow Contreras: so there's this this that I heard you guys don't do, which makes me sad Contreras: at the end of the intro, you gotta slam your desk as hard as you can along with the beat // Intro plays, some people do it Contreras: *pointing to back of room* he didn't do it, we gotta try again
⚐ ReportHui: Do you want to be chronically depressed? Hui: If so, take the Blair cs electives!
⚐ ReportKyei: come to breakfast club tomorrow, it's black history month Kyei: I'm a black teacher, so if you don't come, you're racist Kyei: if you're not racist I'll see you tomorrow, if you are racist I'll see you on Monday
⚐ Report//first day attendance Kyei: Chujia? Did I pronounce that right? Chujia: yeah Kyei: no way bruh
⚐ Report//reviewing for ap comp sci exam with magnet sophomores Gonzalez: Now, let's assume that we are all people...