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⚐ Report//Stat homework, explaining random vs. arbitrary selection; Matt shows a page that displays the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 Matt: Sankar, pick one. Sankar: One. Matt: Why did you chose one? Sankar: You said pick one, so I picked "one". Matt: OK, pick another number. Sankar: One.
⚐ Report//Matt is restoring his laptop. Evan: Wow, look at all that porn. Matt: Nah it's just Rosetta Stone. Bob: I've never heard of her, should I have?
⚐ Report//Sometimes Mr. Fowler has to fight off other teachers who want to use our classroom for 3D graphics Mr. Fowler: I'm glad there's no one trying to steal our classroom this period! I managed to fight off a French teacher earlier today. Matt: Well, they're French. They surrender to everything, how hard could it be?
⚐ ReportMatt: I put the Mission Impossible theme on my alarm clock. That way, when I wake up every morning, I feel really epic.
⚐ ReportMatt: Have you made teams? Stein: Of course we made teams. We made teams a long time ago. Alla: They also made bets. Stein: I have nothing to say about that.
⚐ ReportCompetition PA: Attention in the pit. We have a robot request. Team 449 has lost their robot. Has anyone seen their robot?
⚐ ReportMatt (to Mr. Moose): Why do you speak Russian? Moose: Ah! Because I spent one year in California...
⚐ ReportMatt Bernstein: You won't think I'm violating you by the time I'm done with you! Gibi: ... Abby: Don't *ever* say that sentence again.