Bottom Quotes From:
⚐ ReportLodal: You could just be the poop emoji! That's acceptable in this class! You can just be three poop emojis!
⚐ Report// Stelzner has a sub, students are playing iCivics game Johnny: This game is unlosable. Sean: I lost The Game!
⚐ Report// Continuation of previous quote, Jackie is preparing for AP Chinese Julia: Jackie you're gonna fail, you're mixing English, Spanish, and Chinese!
⚐ ReportEric Shi: Dear "The Skibidi Ohio Rizzler", I have been notified that you are in fact a scaley and have connections with velociraptors. THAT IS MY SCALESONA. GO AWAY.
⚐ Report//Going over motifs Clay: And what is this called? Albert: Of Mice and Men. Clay: .....facepalm //Class laughs Albert: Wait, I don't get it.
⚐ Report//Bennett walks in to Rose's room, looking for his textbook //He then takes a long time trying to find his 1984 book, which is also in the room Rose: Hurry up! It's right over there! Now get out of here! Courtney: Yeah, you're the new Kevin S. Zhou!
⚐ Report//Two minutes after 9477 //Subayi takes out the students phone and starts playing the music, totally jamming to it, nodding his head and actually dancing. He plays it for like 30 seconds. Subayi: Turn that crap off!
⚐ ReportAnderson: Prepositions! Anderson: Above, below, before, after, among! Sean: Among us?