Search Quotes 



April 2, 2024, 9:37 a.m.

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Bosse: Teachers are like students! Bosse: Sometimes we don't wait until the last minute to do things.



March 25, 2024, 9:42 a.m.

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Alan Sai: I'm gonna teach you how to order dimsum la Alan: so you point at what you want and you say "yat go" (一個) Alan: If you want more, you say "leung go (兩個)","sam go (三個)", etc. Alan: if they don't give you what you want you say "puk gai 仆街" (roughly meaning "[go] drop [dead] on a street") Alan: if you still don't give you what you want you say "HAM GA TSAN (冚家鏟)" (roughly meaning "death to your family")

i don't think you should swear and curse at waiters just bc they didn't hear you but ok (also this was a long time ago) // mod note: "ham ga tsan" according to Alan corresponds to 全家砍 in Mandarin and more literally means "cutting your whole family down"

alan, cursing



March 22, 2024, 11:07 p.m.

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Hart: Do you know what's underrated to do during Spring Break? Board games. Hart: I have tried to start a Friday night board game tradition in my family. It's not going well. Hart: I only start grading papers once my kids are asleep. 11 pm to 2 am is sacred to me.



March 22, 2024, 7:44 p.m.

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sela: that’s racist john: *appears* did someone say racist? milo: where did u come from!? sela: and why is that ur trigger word?



March 22, 2024, 7:43 p.m.

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john: *sneaks in to mr pham’s class* mr pham: who are u? john: im alem mr pham: john, get out of here.



March 22, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

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Naomi: What jobs are there that don’t need chemistry? Dr. Davis: Well, let’s see, cashier at McDonald’s, fry guy at McDonald’s, burger flipper at McDonald’s, you can’t be the freezer guy though you’d need to know too much temperature and stuff.

RIP Naomi’s chem grade 💀 // mod note: pretty sure the burger flipper would need to know a thing or two about temperature as well

lodal, chem, davis



March 22, 2024, 2:54 p.m.

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Gugan: Search up munting on google. I swear it's family friendly. I searched it up on my chromebook //after one google search Gugan: What if we started munting on a living person until they died and then did regular munting. //After facing criticism from literally everyone in the room Gugan: No. I swear it's good! The liberal left is just trying to make it seem worse than it is! They're taking away the last pleasurable thing in life! //Later Gugan: Hey guys, have you guys heard of munging?



March 22, 2024, 2:18 p.m.

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Hart: Who wants to watch a movie when you could be making silver mirrors?

She said we were going to chill and watch a movie and instead we did a Tollen's test lab




March 22, 2024, 2:13 p.m.

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// discrete, talking about a quiz that may or may not be retakable alexei: there's probably not going to be a retake, rose will just follow the path of least resistance piety: oh, like mathphys! is there a capacitor storing my grade? alexei: yeah, it can approach it but it never actually reaches the gradebook



March 22, 2024, 1:33 p.m.

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Hui: I saw Rose in 346 and he was on Blairbash. Hui: He immediately closed the tab and the next one open was Twitter.