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⚐ ReportMr. Pham: You have a million dolla'. You see a dolla' bill on the street. Do you pick it up? Kathryn Waychoff: Yes! It's littering! (Laughter.) Mr. Pham: No! Gibi: You could buy a soda for that, or give it to a Jewish person and make him really happy! (Uproarious laughter.)
⚐ ReportPham: I have ring with 2.3 karat diamond, it GIA certified and everything. It cost six thousand dollars. Lisa: I could buy so much ramen with that! Gibi: You could buy a lot of rice with that, too. Pham: Ramen is not rice! You know that, right? Gibi think the ramen is rice!
⚐ ReportGibi: You do it in a ball mill. Do you know what a ball mill is? Amanda: What's a ball mill? Lev: It's a mill for balls. Teresa: Like amanda?
⚐ ReportMatt Bernstein: You won't think I'm violating you by the time I'm done with you! Gibi: ... Abby: Don't *ever* say that sentence again.
⚐ Report// after prom Tyler: I don't think I have grinded on Rachel that much in my entire life. Gibi: Yeah, me neither. Theresa: Yup, same here.
⚐ ReportHammond: So, who next year will be our local sysop mail expert? (Glares at Gibi) Gibi: Uh, okay, I'll be the mail expert next year. Alex C-G: Oh, and I can be the female expert! Hammond: Don't worry, Alex, no chance of that. Everyone: *headdesk*
⚐ ReportNilay, to Gibi: You look like a dinosaur. Gibi, to Gross: They're verbally harassing me! Gross: You're harassing them by how you look.