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⚐ Report//Complex //Abigail is sitting on a table, and Eli is sitting behind her. Schwartz: Eli, can you see the board? Eli: ... No. Schwartz: I only have one rule about sitting on tables. You can't do it if somebody is sitting behind you. Abigail: Yeah! Eli, you should move! //Eli sits on the table next to Abigail. Now Will Bass's vision is blocked too. //Will Bass stands on the table.
⚐ Report//Donaldson tries to explain how stars form. //Rose is sitting in the back of the class, on the computer Donaldson: So there is a big ball of gas in space. And some of it is clumped together in a massive, gravitationally strong clump. Let's call it Bob. Now other smaller, modest, wimpy concentrations will form that will be sucked up by Bob, only making him stronger. Let's call these wimpy clumps Will.
⚐ ReportRoberts: -talks about jazz music theory to class- Will: -cell rings- -answers cell- Hello? Roberts: -stops talking and stares at Will- Will: -to phone- Oh, ok. -to Roberts- This is important. I have to take this call. Roberts+class: -still staring at Will- Will: -gets up- This is important. -continues talking on phone and leaves classroom- Roberts: What was that about? Rest of trumpet section: -shrug- Roberts: -continues teaching-