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March 29, 2011, 11:24 p.m.

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//In Fillman period 9, Viju is wearing Walter's sweatshirt... Walter: Gimme back my jacket! Viju: Are you asking me to take off my clothes? You little perv-- Walter: NO! I'm asking you to take off mine!



March 25, 2011, 3:03 p.m.

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Evan: You owe me five bucks. Viju: My ass! Evan: Well, that too.



March 24, 2011, 10:33 p.m.

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//At ARML, Talking about Wallops groups Viju: Oh yeah, our study groups are... uh... multisexual! Jason H: ... You mean co-ed? Mufasa: Whoa, multisexual? So Charles would be in every group!?!



Jan. 12, 2011, 7:35 p.m.

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//Fillman's 9th period English class, reviewing for final exams... Fillman: See, this is a great essay! It's just FILLED with snoozalicious words and sentences! Viju: No wonder I'm sleepy...



Dec. 15, 2010, 8:10 a.m.

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// Billings, Patrice, and Viju are talking about how rain in India is formed instantaneously Patrice: Does sweat do the same thing there? Viju: Uhhh... no, the proteins and salt prevent it from condensing back Jason Ma: And that's why it tastes salty when you lick yourself! Everyone else: O_o



Dec. 3, 2010, 5:30 p.m.

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// In AP NSL, Grossman's class. Marcus walks in randomly... Marcus: Hey Mr. Grossman. I think I left my basketball in here. Have you seen it? Grossman: I don't remember you having a basketball. You can look around, though. Viju: Wait Marcus, is it Jacky's? Marcus: No, it's Samir's. Samir (at other end of the room): Wait, what? I didn't bring my ball today! Marcus: Oh. *walks out*



Dec. 2, 2010, 9:34 p.m.

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// Henok, so proud of his wandless magic, inspires Viju to do the same... Viju: Seducio! *points at Sam Z.* Sam: Retardation! *points back* WAIT! Nothing happened! Viju: X.x



Dec. 2, 2010, 9:32 p.m.

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// In ESS, talking about the different kinds of unconformities // Donaldson erases a layer of sediment, but leaves a layer on top and underneath Viju: WHOA! It's like... an air chamber! Donaldson: ...You mean a cave?



Nov. 23, 2010, 9:55 p.m.

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Donaldson: ...and this is why people like Al Gore and I are concerned about carbon dioxide levels. Viju: You may not want to put yourself together with Al Gore.



Nov. 6, 2010, 9:20 a.m.

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Henok: Oh my god Angelina, you're such a GIRL! Viju: Henok, where would you be without girls? Henok: Well first of all, we wouldn't have any food...