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⚐ Report//SRP presentations day 1 Danderson: Something smells off... Shelley: Huh, you're right. Danderson (loudly): Okay, guys, I know this is 211, but we're presenting SRPs. There should be no reason why I can smell something burning. Student: Isn't Schafer down the hall?
⚐ Report//Mr. Schafer mentioned that he needs to get a haircut soon Theresa: Oh, Mr. Schafer, can I cut your hair? Schafer: Well you probably can, but you don't have my permission. Theresa: I cut my own hair! Schafer: I know. It shows.
⚐ Report//Schafer finishes demonstrating a Van de Graff Generator Schafer: Can you get the lights please? //Hammond turns on the lights Schafer: So now we're going to quickly rush through - //Power surge occurs Schafer: Well that about ruins my plans for today. Hammond: But I can safely say it wasn't me.
⚐ Report//Quickly doing the MoCo lab safety quiz (out loud) Student: You have cut yourself - Schafer: Now why did you do that? Please, don't cut yourself in this class! I don't care if you're emo, I just don't want there to be blood! //and later Student: Someone you know is on fire - Schafer: And that too! Don't do that either! You should have no reason to set yourself on fire!
⚐ ReportStudent: Mr. Schafer, did you get a hair cut? Schafer: No. (pause) I got them ALL cut.
⚐ ReportStudent: But isn't rubber not conductive? Schafer: Well, would you say rabbit fur was? Student: Well it sure was when I shocked that thing to death!
⚐ ReportSchafer (slowly and with emphasis): *Nucleons* are particles that are found in the *nucleus*. //pause Schafer (normally): Sometimes I feel kinda like one of those boring teachers, you know?
⚐ Report//Schafer answers a student's question Student: Good point! Schafer: Thanks. I do try. You know, if I can make one good point per class per day, I might just continue to collect my paycheck.
⚐ ReportSchafer: Michael's dad is a vet, so he can answer all of our pet related questions. Michael, do cats and dogs have arms? Michael: Well, they have FORElegs, and HINDlegs, so no they don't. Schafer: Any other pet-related questions? John Anderson: Michael, how many dogs has your dad euthanized?