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⚐ Report// After discussing some serious shit Duval: I love to live in my happy bubble of ignorance and pretend that all of you are perfect little angels.
⚐ Report// Scibowl tryouts, Caleb is reading warmup questions Caleb: How many pokemon were there in the first generation? Andy: 151! Joseph: Is that in Campbell?
⚐ ReportDuval: So this student I had last year came up to me. Duval: And she said "Ms. Duval, I've never seen your calves before"
⚐ ReportDuval: The squiddledy-wiggledys -- they probably have a proper name, but I'm gonna use mine ...
⚐ Report// Duval's class is watching a demonstration of the floating paperclips on water lab Duval: You're so much better at this than my 3rd period Duval: I had five kids trying to float clips and they couldn't manage to get any to stay Duval: It was starting to turn into the setup of a joke Duval: Like, "How many magnet kids does it take to float a paperclip on the surface of water?"
⚐ Report// discussing chemistry Duval: So: ionic, covalent, and ... Student: Low-risk government bonds.
⚐ Report// talking about chicken eggs to be hatched later Duval: Next semester, if you have me for Biology, or visit at lunch, you can hang out with chicks, like how you're hanging out with hermit crabs now. Carlos: I wish I could hang out with chicks in class.
⚐ Report// commentary on seeds growing well when watered with diet coke Duval: You did something magic to them! Carlos: We gave them love. Duval: Well, see -- now that's another variable!