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⚐ ReportStephen: The solution to basically everything is to just spam email your counselor
⚐ Report// Gov Pd. 9 // Stephen says something to the sub, and then leaves Michael: Where did he go? Sub: He messed up his head. Michael: Oh, I should probably go help him. Sub: OK!
⚐ ReportAfter AP Stat Raun: I feel like there was a lot of free time on the mcq’s. Stephen: Counterpoint: your mother. Stephen: I don’t know why I said that. It just came out of my mouth.
⚐ ReportSchwartz: Can you agree that PIP^(-1) is I? I is PIP^(-1)? I am PIP^(-1)? Stephen: pip install joke
⚐ Report//all-period half day during which students are to remotely view information about courses Schwartz: This is the Schwartz babysitting session. I have to make sure you don't die for 24 minutes, but I'm not allowed to teach you anything. //later, Caleb walks in late Schwartz: You're late! How dare you be late on this important day of class! I will mark you tardy! //later, Caleb talking to Stephen and writing equations on the board, whilst Schwartz left the classroom //Schwartz returns Schwartz: Maths? There's maths happening in my classroom? How could you?! Schwartz: You miscreants -- learning things today!
⚐ Report// Stephen, Jerry Jing, Johnny, and Ricky crowded around one stand, Ricky is standing Smolen: Ricky I’ll just let you suffer. // Later Smolen: Kevin looks like a disappointed father right now.
⚐ ReportStephen: What is a horizontal distance? Katz: A distance along a horizontal direction. Stephen: No Katz: What do you think it is? Stephen: Your mother Katz: My mother is not a horizontal distance. Katz: If she was, my father couldn't be a vertical distance, because the dot product would be zero, but I clearly exist.