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⚐ ReportSchwartz: Definite and indefinite integrals are totally unrelated. Just like flammable and inflammable mean the opposite things.
⚐ Report//Pd. 4 Analysis 1B, went something like this Stein: Kinjal! Go integrate that! //She's in a different period, so nobody moves Stein: Shivani! Whatever your name is! Go! (points at Urjita) Class: Do you mean Urjita? Stein: It's a half day! No time for names! Go! //she gets up and does the integral Stein: Now pass it off to someone else! Faster! //passes it off to Sam Stein: Urjita! Simplify that! //class laughs Stein: We don't have time for names! We're already behind! Now go! //Sam looks incredulous, but goes up anyway Stein: Now pass it along! Faster, Gabe! //hands it off to Alice Stein: Keep going, Sandeep! Quickly! //Alice takes the ln and hands off to Lara Stein (looking at Lara): Meghna! How do we solve for y? //This went on for a while, not once calling someone the correct name Stein (at the end of class): I'd like to spend the last minute of class apologizing to all of the ladies of Indian descent.
⚐ Report//In analysis 1B with Stein, doing a diff-eq problem with fecal matter in a water tank //Mr.Hammond walks in Mr.Stein: So class, what is the variable for the fecal matter in the water. //Mr.Hammond walks out
⚐ ReportStein: So if you just follow-- Class: Follow. Stein: DON'T MOCK MY RULES! My rules are not to be mocked! You're not supposed do that whenever I say "follow"-- Class: Follow. //Stein knocks over a chair Stein: NO! You don't say-that word-whenever I say that word!
⚐ ReportStein: I just found out there's an English class on the third floor now. This is a problem, because I like to wander into classes sometimes and see what they're doing, but I can't do that in English classes... //pause Stein: Because they aren't doing anything!
⚐ Report//in Analysis B listening to Stein yelling out in the hallway Stein: They have an English class on the third floor?!? This is unacceptable! I'm telling Ostrander //after coming back to class Stein: So guys, I don't know if you've heard, but there's an English class on the third floor. I like wandering into classes and interrupting the teacher, but I can't do that now. In English classes, nothing goes on. //class begins to get out phones and tweet his quote Stein: Wait don't tweet that! There's plenty going on in English. It's just...different
⚐ Report//Pd, 9 Analysis 1A, trying to describe a certain solid of revolution Student: It looks like one of those dog cones. Rose: You're right. By the way, my parent's dog is wearing one of those. It just got dog surgery--which is, like, really expensive. I would have just moved on and gotten another dog. Class: What!? Rose:'s like 10,000 dollars!
⚐ Report\\After a somewhat frustrating day of proving Laurent's Theorem in Complex Analysis, Mr. Schwartz sent the following email: Schwartz: Here's a better version of the proof we (sorta) skipped today. Should make it more clear.
⚐ ReportRose: Okay, but we need to be serious about this. This class is called Analysis because we, like... actually I don't know why.
⚐ Report//Mr. Rose's phone starts making dog barking sounds Rose: Oh, that's... that's my ringtone for when my mom is calling.