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⚐ Report// In reference to APs. Stein: "We should, as a school district, agree not to take standardized tests, and focus on *learning*." // Later. Stein: "Puzzlepalooza is an actual reason to miss school! You actually learn!" // A bit of ranting later. Student: "If I won at Puzzlepalooza, may I put it on my résumé?" Stein: "Absolutely!"
⚐ ReportSchwartz: The day after the AP Exam, we will watch The Princess Bride. Schwartz: But I don't just show movies! We do math! Schwartz: There will be a Princess Bride worksheet.
⚐ Report// AP bio prep Jackie: Sickle cell disease. Jerry Song: SCD! Andy: STD? Jerry Song: No, SCD! That's cause you have an STD! // Later Jerry Song: Your mom is an alpha male! Andy: That's going straight into Blairbash! Jerry Song: Your mom is in Blairbash! Oh wait it won't fit! // Later Jackie: I know what fruit is! I'm so smart!
⚐ Report//Schwartz retells his AP Environmental Science story (see 8087), then this Schwartz: I finished my AP Physics exam early, and I was sitting next to the brick wall. Schwartz: So I estimated the width of each brick, and, timing with my watch, dropped a pencil repeatedly, to estimate acceleration by gravity. Schwartz: I got it within 10%. //Some of the class erupts in moderate applause //later Schwartz (to Andy): Were you typing that into Blairbash as I was talking?
⚐ ReportSchwartz: This video treats taking AP courses as the end-all be-all in your high school career. Schwartz: News flash: IT'S NOT. Collegeboard is a scam!
⚐ Report// Talking about VSEPR Lodal: I remember doing this during the AP exam Sudhish: You took APs? Lodal: Yeah, I took like 12 of them.
⚐ ReportCrincione: So yeah, if you have any review books give them to me for next year's students, right now i only have one and- Cirincione: *picks up the one review book on the table, except, it's not for AP NSL it's for AP US history* Cirincione: -And... it's not even for AP NSL??? Why is this here??? How did it even get here??? Cirincione: *very confused* Cirincione: What????
⚐ Report// AP Spanish, discussing the meaning of the word "incentivar" Noah: Como se dice incentivar a un politico? (What's the word for incentivizing a politician (bribery)?) Sra. Cuadrado: Es corrupcion. (That's corruption.)
⚐ Report//9th Pd Gabaree AP NSL, people are pretending they don't know anything about the election to mess with him Gabaree: What do you guys think of recent events? Hannah: I'm really excited that Obama will be president again!