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⚐ Report// Through phone call Andrew Zhao: Andy Ying, Eric Yang has something to say to you. Eric: I do not. Andrew: Approve that blairbash quote of me that you said yesterday.
⚐ ReportLucas: if i had a child i would name them 鬼 Lucas: so then their friends can be like hey 鬼 Andy: you need to stop saying racial slurs Lucas: i'm sorry daddy.
⚐ Report// Scibowl practice Andy: What makes yogurt sour? Yunyi/Kian: Fermentation. Jason: Lemons!
⚐ Report// STAN senior act meeting Mandy: O'Donovan corner, how are you guys doing? Andy: We're cooking! Anannya: The food is on fire! Armand: The kitchen is burning down! Mandy: Keep cooking! I want everything burned down! Andy: It's all ashes at this point.
⚐ ReportAndy: If freshmen are maggots, what are seniors? Street: Maggots grow up to become houseflies. Street: So this means you spend the rest of your life looking for poop. Does that sound good?
⚐ ReportShriyan: "I got a manual." Smolen (confused): "...You bought a person named Emmanuel?" //After clarifications that they were talking about cars, Smolen diverges into a story about his brother driving a car at 3 years old. Summary: She was poking around her dad's workshop, saw the car pulling out of the driveway, and panicked. The car ended up crashing into a power generator (?) and her parents got angry at her. Smolen: "...and he was laughing the whole time!" Andy: "Me for real."