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March 3, 2011, 9:15 p.m.

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//Talking about where Donaldson saw a "moonbow" (like a rainbow, but made by moonlight) during Optics. Donaldson: It was the on the isle of "Virgin Gorda." "The Fat Virgin." Alex CG: No wonder she's a virgin!



Dec. 16, 2010, 8:33 p.m.

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//regarding physics of music day MyungJee: Hey Alex, will you play with me? Alex: ... Katherine: Ehh...that's what she said.



Nov. 16, 2010, 8:59 a.m.

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Collins: Alex, what are you doing?  Get off of facebook! //cue everyone looking



Oct. 18, 2010, 4:24 p.m.

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Templin: The lockjaw is mainly used to hold down small things... Alex: Small tools for small things. Adarsh: (whispers something to Alex) Templin: can hold this pencil if it doesn't inappropriately squeeze -- Alex: (laughing out loud) My butt! Templin: Well your butt probably wouldn't be able to fit into this tool.



June 11, 2010, 10:33 a.m.

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Donaldson (during Astro): So, why does the Webb telescope only scan in the infrared range? Alex C-G: So we can observe *hot women* on other planets! Donaldson: You have sunken to a new low, Alex.



May 23, 2010, 8:59 p.m.

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// Donaldson talking to juniors about taking the senior final Donaldson: "If you get an A on the senior final, you automatically get an A on your exam. You don't even have to take it! Alex C-G: Can we take the final anyway, just for fun? Donaldson: Yes, of course you can! PERVERT.

Donaldson thinks Alex is a pervert for wanting to take an extra exam. The class agreed.

astro, donaldson, alex



April 28, 2010, 11:59 p.m.

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Alex: Binx died. Mythili: What, no way! When? What's going to happen? Alex: They're making a new one and calling it OMARAHSAN!



April 28, 2010, 11:37 p.m.

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Crystal: And so, they asked me if I wanted to try it, but I said no and went back inside. Alex: Hey, that sounds like my story...only I didn't say no... Jessell: Alex! Anyone else have a story? Samath: I have one. I took my dad's car out for a joyride and started racing someone on the freeway. -CLASS LAUGHING- Jessell: Does this story have a moral? Samath: Yes! So, I crashed it because he tried to cut me off when I was 90. I crashed into the median and called my dad. He took it it to the shop and a week later it was fixed. So I took it out again- Jessell: -But this time! Samath: -But this time I crashed it again- Jessell: Alex, you know what, let's hear your story...



March 13, 2010, 6:10 p.m.

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//Schafer is describing what he thinks the award ceremony for best teacher would be like Schafer: So it's like 3 hours or something. What are they gonna do with all that time? They could be like "Best securitry guard" or "Most hardworking building services worker" or something like that. And then imagine 3 hours of that junk! Student: Will you give an acceptance speech? Schafer: Yeah, and I'll just throw in some of your guys names. I might even make up some names. Gilad: Thank Dr. Quantum! Schafer: You know what, I'm gonna thank JK Rowling for inspiring a generation to read! Bae: And thank Stephenie Meyer for inspiring a generation NOT to read!



March 10, 2010, 9:57 p.m.

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Rose: I'm gonna break your brains here.. // general laughter // Alex Qiu slams back of head into closet door Rose: ... don't actually break your brain.

Rose teaching some weird 4th derivative stuff

brain, rose, alex