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⚐ ReportAndy: I'm fighting for my fucking life. Jerry Song: You're losing your virginity?
⚐ Report// Hannah hi-fives Andy after solving a pchem problem Hannah: Owww!! Andy: Your hand is just weak. Hannah: No, your hand hurt me. Jerry Song: It also hurts when Andy slaps me. Jerry: I mean hi-fives me.
⚐ ReportJohnny: What is the bacterial equivalent of a hammer and sickle? Andy: If you wanted your poster to be communist themed you would have drawn Stalin, but instead you drew Hitler.
⚐ Report// Sean comes into immuno late Delaney: We will be modelling the immune system with legos. Delaney: They need your help, especially this one *gestures to Jerry Song*. Delaney: He is absolutely enamored with the wheels. Andy: It's his manifestation of his deprivation of Hot Wheels as a child.
⚐ ReportStein: So this year MCPS bought this fancy new system called RemindHub. Stein: The best part is that I can call you at any time, just to say "hiiii". Andy: If you love RemindHub, you'll love RemindHub Premium.
⚐ Report// Final writing assignment Anderson: To help you guys with this final writing can have chips. *Dumps giant pile of chips on the table* Anderson: As we all know, there's nothing better for your brain than junk food. Andy: Can I interest you in some of Deez Utz?
⚐ Report// Doing E/U proof in diffeq Schwartz: Someone give me a source of food for ants! Andy: A corpse! Schwartz: Ok... *draws a body, with one eye marked with an "X"* Schwartz: So you can only see one eye because it's on its side. Andy: What if it's a cyclops corpse? Schwartz: Sure, let's go with a cyclops corpse. Schwartz: Is it cyclops corpse or corpse of a cyclops?
⚐ Report//showing the derivation of a formula in quantum Schafer: what do we do now? someone: e it up Schafer: YES! I’m glad you called it by the correct name. Andy and Jerry: *confused looks * Schafer: We don’t exponentiate both sides, we e it up! Andy: Must be a Kirk thing. Schafer: No, it’s a me thing! From back when I got to teach math here.
⚐ Report// Tournament of Champions Andy Cui(as Queen Victoria): I don't think Churchill has made as many cultural influences such as... Angelina(quietly): Sexism. Andy: ...wearing white to weddings and Andy: She's inspired many things lakes cities mountains and even names in our class... Andy: ...such as Victor Zhu.
⚐ Report// Watching documentary on China Seat: What is Alibaba? Andy: The Chinese black market!