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Feb. 27, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

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// Talking about a text conversation with his son Glenn: Ah yes, the famous Irish rapper from Detroit Eminem. Glenn: Then I started sending him rap lyrics from Eminem. Glenn: My son is about to become a teenager, which is the age I'm supposed to annoy him the most. Glenn: He's turning 13 next month, so I gotta step up my game!



Feb. 26, 2024, 3:11 p.m.

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Isak: I'm not a weeb! Isak: I've seen one anime, it doesn't count!



Feb. 26, 2024, 10:44 a.m.

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Bosse: I picked an inferior article here. Bosse: It's gynandromorphin' time! Bosse: What does gyno mean? Female! Bosse: I don't know any males that go to the gyno!



Feb. 26, 2024, 8:15 a.m.

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schwartz: make sure you follow relevant laws student: what defines relevant? schwartz: like, i'm okay if you pirate music



Feb. 23, 2024, 3:21 p.m.

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Rose: x^(2/3) is bird Rose: 1/bird is volcano



Feb. 23, 2024, 1:33 p.m.

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// Analysis 1, Rose wants to do a physics demonstration involving gravity Rose (to Kirk): Do you have balls in this classroom? Kirk: Yeah, they're underneath each chair *Rose takes the tennis ball off the leg of the empty chair in front of him* Rose: Okay, so I'm not actually going to drop this, but you can imagine what would happen if I did



Feb. 23, 2024, 11:29 a.m.

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Schafer: What is MOD? Jerry Song: O'Donovan! It's her initials. Jerry: Because O'Donovan is 4 syllables and MOD is one syllable. Schafer: Now you're just wasting my time.



Feb. 23, 2024, 9:56 a.m.

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William: How can I know if a disabled person can use my device if i'm not disabled? William: Well I can disable myself.



Feb. 23, 2024, 7:50 a.m.

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//talking about #13096 Sky Yuzuki: If he does that again i'm gonna touch him!



Feb. 23, 2024, 7:47 a.m.

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Manil: Jeremy is [redacted] us in a good way