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⚐ Report//Avika is about to present her Ask a Biologist presentation about HPV Woodward: Let's hear about... HPV! Andrew Zhao: I think I have HPV
⚐ Report//bio project interview people Yongle: so i can't do my mom? Skyler: Yeah, because I DID YOUR MOM.
⚐ ReportWoodward: i'm hearing you talk about anything but biology! starbucks, orchestra... Anuva: andrew you're a red flag bruh Leul: that's what i'm saying!
⚐ ReportAdithi: what way is the long way? Jonathan: it's the way that is not short Jonathan: so the not Veena way. Adithi: Veena is... tall. Jonathan: you're in denial Adithi: i'm not in south sudan.
⚐ ReportWoodward: so once my coworker told me a story Woodward: you know agar right? *class nods and responds in agreement* Woodward: once he was doing a lab with the agar, and a student asked if he could eat it Woodward: so he sarcastically says "yes" Woodward: then THREE kids ate the agar Woodward: They all had to be rushed to the hospital Woodward: I've learned from that to not be sarcastic about serious things.
⚐ Report// Bio team lecture Caleb: Carbon likes to be friends with itself. Yongle: Just like me!
⚐ Report//Pd. 4 Bio. Glenn is talking about a lab that will happen the next day. Dylan: "What if we are allergic to some of the chemicals used in the lab?" Glenn: "All we will use is water." Dylan: "I'm allergic to water."
⚐ ReportMichael Wang: If you wait until marriage to have sex, you’ll only have sex with your family.